I have been studying American studies for more than six years already. Six years of studying xenophobia, racism, discrimination, capital punishment, arrogant wars, corruption, hypocricy, anti-intellectualism, etc (do you face the same problems in your country as well?). All in all, injustice for all!
Of course, I know why some folks mock at me when I say I am an American studies student ---the worst things about the Divided States of America come up at once! The same is with me. I am not very different in this respect.
It should be noticed that I am referring to studs of the post-Soviet background. As for me, I am a child of Perestroika. There are many of us who have chosen American studies as a major. Some regret about it. Some are ashamed. Some are switching to different disciplines. But I do neither of the mentioned. I am a 3-S American studies student: shameless, sceptical and sad.
I feel very-very comfortable with my major-maJOR!-MAJOR!! --- B.A., M.A. and PhD (hopefully in 4 years!) in American studies. And by the way, I have never been to the U.S.! Can you imagine how devoted I am?! To waist more than six years of my life on the culture I have never been encountered with?!! Oh God, this reminds me of platonic love!
But tomorrow (Wednesday, Oct. 29, 2008) I will penetrate my teasing lover. I will cross the border of the United States of America. I am happy to announce to those who do not know yet that I am flying to New York, then Atlanta, and then NY again. My trip is short, though. On Nov. 10, 2008 I fly back to Germany. Holli Semetko of the Emory University in Atlanta was so kind to invite me to visit the Halle Institute, and work on my PhD thesis there. Thank you, Holli! The trip would have not been possible without the help of Professor Walter Gruenzweig, my PhD supervisor. Walter, you are awesome!! And my parents who still support me. I should also thank Kay and Kerstin Rensing who will provide free accommodation. And my old friend Anna Cherkasova, an amazing woman who will definately become a great journalist. I am so lucky she will be in New York during my stay. Have not seen each other for ages.
Wow. Looking forward. I am very excited.
But not all American studies studs are that excited about their majors. Check the article "American Studies: Stars and Gripes" by William Lee Adams (Wednesday, Oct. 15, 2008) published by Time here http://www.time.com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,1850554,00.html In brief, the article is about the fading enthusiasm around the American studies among European students. The programs receive less applications than ever; in some cases, the European universities shut down the programs.
Of course, I know why some folks mock at me when I say I am an American studies student ---the worst things about the Divided States of America come up at once! The same is with me. I am not very different in this respect.
It should be noticed that I am referring to studs of the post-Soviet background. As for me, I am a child of Perestroika. There are many of us who have chosen American studies as a major. Some regret about it. Some are ashamed. Some are switching to different disciplines. But I do neither of the mentioned. I am a 3-S American studies student: shameless, sceptical and sad.
I feel very-very comfortable with my major-maJOR!-MAJOR!! --- B.A., M.A. and PhD (hopefully in 4 years!) in American studies. And by the way, I have never been to the U.S.! Can you imagine how devoted I am?! To waist more than six years of my life on the culture I have never been encountered with?!! Oh God, this reminds me of platonic love!
But tomorrow (Wednesday, Oct. 29, 2008) I will penetrate my teasing lover. I will cross the border of the United States of America. I am happy to announce to those who do not know yet that I am flying to New York, then Atlanta, and then NY again. My trip is short, though. On Nov. 10, 2008 I fly back to Germany. Holli Semetko of the Emory University in Atlanta was so kind to invite me to visit the Halle Institute, and work on my PhD thesis there. Thank you, Holli! The trip would have not been possible without the help of Professor Walter Gruenzweig, my PhD supervisor. Walter, you are awesome!! And my parents who still support me. I should also thank Kay and Kerstin Rensing who will provide free accommodation. And my old friend Anna Cherkasova, an amazing woman who will definately become a great journalist. I am so lucky she will be in New York during my stay. Have not seen each other for ages.
Wow. Looking forward. I am very excited.
But not all American studies studs are that excited about their majors. Check the article "American Studies: Stars and Gripes" by William Lee Adams (Wednesday, Oct. 15, 2008) published by Time here http://www.time.com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,1850554,00.html In brief, the article is about the fading enthusiasm around the American studies among European students. The programs receive less applications than ever; in some cases, the European universities shut down the programs.
"In Europe, where America the Beautiful has lost some of its luster of late, De Feo's enthusiasm is increasingly rare. According to the 2008 Pew Global Attitudes Project survey, the number of Brits who view the U.S. favorably has dropped from 83% in 2000 to 53% today; in France, it has fallen from 62% to 42%; in Germany, from 78% to just 31%. Once esteemed as a beacon of liberty and a defender of Europe against the Soviet Union, the U.S. now faces constant criticism for everything from its lack of action on global warming to its faith in unfettered capitalism, which has lately led to the spread of economic contagion from American banks to the rest of the world. But most damaging to America's global reputation has been the invasion of Iraq, which many Europeans viewed as a dangerous misadventure from the start."
There is no word about it in the article, but I suppose the AS-departments will do better next semester IF Barack Obama wins the presidential election 2008.
Come on, American nation! We, the AS students, want a miracle! Even though we might not be the residents and/or citizens of the U.S. --- we also need that CHANGE! Sometimes we want to write some positive stuff about the U.S. and the American people.
We are very disappointed and tired. Give us this wonderful chance! Cause, you know, deep inside.. we believe in some stupid stuff like democracy and human rights, equality and justice, multiculturalism and tolerance, for example.
All in all, whatever the outcome of the elections --- I will witness this greatest historical event!!
...Okay, should I take my "I-LOVE-ALBANIA" T-shirt to the U.S. with me?
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