I was away from office.
I needed time to have a rest after "rest". The trip was physically exhausting and emotionally challenging. That's how I imagine an awesome trip.

I was raised as a "normal" kid by Soviet grandparents and post-Soviet parents. (Oh, what a sick statement!) That means when I visit another country or city... of course, I rush into museums. It is a must to go to museums, and as many as possible. C'mon, have a look around once you are in a museum: you will ALWAYS find bunches of Russian and Chinese tourists there.
Some are really interested, some are really bored---but they are roaming around the museum rooms. I tell you, this is smthwithin the culture. It is a shame not to see as many museums as possible. This is how I was raised, too. So, I tell you, my colleague and I made an effort to visit as many museums, cathedrals, churches and parks as possible. Kilometers of walking damaged my feet, and---sorry for these ugly details---I lost my nail on the toe. Damn dilligent tourist I am. YET I should also mention that I bought new Spanish boots, which made the situation even worse.

But I tell you: this was the right condition to enjoy art. Oh God, it was one of the most aesthetically satisfactory trips I ever had. I had enough time to draw and contemplate. Nadejda is the perfect person to travel with. In addition, the couchsurfing worked out UNEXPECTEDLY great!! We met wonderful people who shared their experiences with the cities they lived in. Forever in love with Barcelona. And Madrid is my great buddy. Okay, now I go back to work. I am writing scripts for my seminar. :)
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