These are my favourites. I like the second drawing very-very much. However, the characters in the first drawing "show" emotions. Hence, the first drawing is the Top1 on my list. The second drawing reveals the author's better drawing techniques, though. :)
The drawings below are neat. The characters have smiles on their faces.

The clothes of these Muslim women are darker and have texture.

This Muslim woman does not smile anymore.

An example of a Muslim woman who has "a window to look through"...

And here is an example of a faceless and empty-eyed Muslim woman.

Vampire Muslim woman.

I think, the students wanted to save time and forgot to dress up some of the women. :)


The most abstract woman wearing burqa I have ever seen on paper. XD

I am happy that the majority of students can distinguish hijab from niqab. In my humble opinion, it is not intelligent to call any item on the Muslim woman's head --- burqa. Please, stop doing it!
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